Hasan's Blog For Bush

A blog dedicated to help re-elect the President at any cost.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Liberal Hate Speech

On my way to class I walked past a poster that said President Bush mislead the country into invading Iraq. What an awful thing to say! The American Left has gone mad with rage and completely irresponsible. I am sick and tired of the left wing intolerance in academia. I felt really oppressed when I saw that mean-spirited poster. Liberals claim to support diversity, but they want to destroy anyone that disagrees with them. America's universities and colleges need to open themselves to great conservative thinkers such as Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro and Michele Malkin, courageous scholars willing to take on the leftist establishment.

That's right

John Kerry called the Iraq invasion the "wrong war at the wrong time" and Bush totally said "bullshit". LOL! Go Bush! A man like that clearly deservers another four years.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Killer Video Game!!!

Stop whatever you are doing and play Bush Shootout. It is the coolest game there is, fool. Seriously, you get to be President Bush and you fight with terrorists, just like George W. Bush does in real life. He is so brave, I hope I grow up the be 1/8th as brave as he is. It took a lot of courage to show all those pictures and movies from 9-11 at the convention knowning how the Loony Left would claim he was using a national tragedy for partisan advantage, but Bush ran that risk and it paid off big. What a hero.

Best Day Of My Life

Today I got an e-mail that changed everything. When I woke up this morning I saw I had a message from the 43rd President of the US himself, George W. Bush. I wondered why me of all people would be singled out to be contacted by such a righteous and wise man. At first I thought it was because the President wanted to thank me for all my hard work I had put into the war on terror (I call the local police frequently to inform them when foreigners move into the neighborhood), but I checked the subject and it looks like Bush was just asking for money to help combat John Kerry's lies. John Kerry has all of Hollywood, the media & Old Europe supporting him (and probably Al Qeada too), so I donated my first born son. I hope they use him well.

Best Friends Forever

You know back when I was in High School Big Tom Eliopolous III and I were enemies, but when I found out he liked George W. Bush as much as I did, it was like I had a new brother. What joy! Now Tom and I spend all our free time together reading each other poems we wrote about the Commander-In-Chief. To unwind we like to kick protesters that hate the President while they are handcuffed.

Bush Is The Best President Ever

You know who totally rocks and kicks ass at the same time? George W. Bush. Yeah, he's THAT good.